Our Mission:
To restore functionality and provide compassionate care to patients suffering from chronic pain
If you are a new patient, kindly ask your doctor to fax over a referral and medical records to our clinic at (866) 550-5779
Personal Injury Protection | Premera (Out of network benefits only) | Railroad Medicare | Regence | Regence Med Advantage | Tribe Insurance | Tricare (PCP Authorization required) | Uniform Medical Plan | United Healthcare (Commercial Only) | United Healthcare MedAdvantage w/ oon benefits or OON authorization (HMO plans) | US Fam Health Plan (Referral required) | Workers Compensation | Work-Related Injuries | Aetna Commercial & MedAdvantage | Blue Cross Blue Shield | Cigna / Greatwest | First Choice Health | HMA Regence | Humana | Labor and Industries* | Lifewise w/ OON benefits | Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries* | Wellcare of WA w/ OON Benefits | Kaiser Perm - FCH Network
For Motor Vehicle and L&I please have your claim number and claim manager phone number ready.